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InputManifest API reference

InputManifest is a definition of the user's infrastructure. It contains cloud provider specification, nodepool specification, Kubernetes and loadbalancer clusters.


Most recently observed status of the InputManifest


Specification of the desired behavior of the InputManifest

Providers is a list of defined cloud provider configuration that will be used in infrastructure provisioning.

Describes nodepools used for either kubernetes clusters or loadbalancer cluster defined in this manifest.

List of Kubernetes cluster this manifest will manage.

List of loadbalancer clusters the Kubernetes clusters may use.


Contains configurations for supported cloud providers. At least one provider needs to be defined.

  • name

The name of the provider specification. The name is limited to 15 characters. It has to be unique across all providers.

  • providerType

Type of a provider. The providerType defines mandatory fields that has to be included for a specific provider. A list of available providers can be found at providers section. Allowed values are:

Value Description
aws AWS provider type
azure Azure provider type
cloudflare Cloudflare provider type
gcp GCP provider type
hetzner Hetzner provider type
hetznerdns Hetzner DNS provider type
oci OCI provider type
genesiscloud GenesisCloud provider type

Represents a Secret Reference. It has enough information to retrieve secret in any namespace.

Support for more cloud providers is in the roadmap.

For static nodepools a provider is not needed, refer to the static section for more detailed information.


SecretReference represents a Kubernetes Secret Reference. It has enough information to retrieve secret in any namespace.

  • name

Name of the secret, which holds data for the particular cloud provider instance.

  • namespace

Namespace of the secret which holds data for the particular cloud provider instance.


The fields that need to be included in a Kubernetes Secret resource to utilize the Cloudflare provider. To find out how to configure Cloudflare follow the instructions here

  • apitoken

Credentials for the provider (API token).

  • templates
  • repository: specifies the location from where the external template are to be acquired. Must be a publicly available git repository.
  • tag: Optional. If set when the git repository is downloaded, the commit hash from the tag version is used.
  • path: specifies the path for a specific provider within the repository where the source template files are located.


The fields that need to be included in a Kubernetes Secret resource to utilize the HetznerDNS provider. To find out how to configure HetznerDNS follow the instructions here

  • apitoken

Credentials for the provider (API token).

  • templates
  • repository: specifies the location from where the external template are to be acquired. Must be a publicly available git repository.
  • tag: Optional. If set when the git repository is downloaded, the commit hash from the tag version is used.
  • path: specifies the path for a specific provider within the repository where the source template files are located.


The fields that need to be included in a Kubernetes Secret resource to utilize the GCP provider. To find out how to configure GCP provider and service account, follow the instructions here.

  • credentials

Credentials for the provider. Stringified JSON service account key.

  • gcpproject

Project id of an already existing GCP project where the infrastructure is to be created.

  • templates
  • repository: specifies the location from where the external template are to be acquired. Must be a publicly available git repository.
  • tag: Optional. If set when the git repository is downloaded, the commit hash from the tag version is used.
  • path: specifies the path for a specific provider within the repository where the source template files are located.


The fields that need to be included in a Kubernetes Secret resource to utilize the Genesis Cloud provider. To find out how to configure Genesis Cloud provider, follow the instructions here.

  • apitoken

API token for the provider.

  • templates
  • repository: specifies the location from where the external template are to be acquired. Must be a publicly available git repository.
  • tag: Optional. If set when the git repository is downloaded, the commit hash from the tag version is used.
  • path: specifies the path for a specific provider within the repository where the source template files are located.


The fields that need to be included in a Kubernetes Secret resource to utilize the Hetzner provider. To find out how to configure Hetzner provider and service account, follow the instructions here.

  • credentials

Credentials for the provider (API token).

  • templates
  • repository: specifies the location from where the external template are to be acquired. Must be a publicly available git repository.
  • tag: Optional. If set when the git repository is downloaded, the commit hash from the tag version is used.
  • path: specifies the path for a specific provider within the repository where the source template files are located.


The fields that need to be included in a Kubernetes Secret resource to utilize the OCI provider. To find out how to configure OCI provider and service account, follow the instructions here.

  • privatekey

Private key used to authenticate to the OCI.

  • keyfingerprint

Fingerprint of the user-supplied private key.

  • tenancyocid

OCID of the tenancy where privateKey is added as an API key

  • userocid

OCID of the user in the supplied tenancy

  • compartmentocid

OCID of the compartment where VMs/VCNs/... will be created

  • templates
  • repository: specifies the location from where the external template are to be acquired. Must be a publicly available git repository.
  • tag: Optional. If set when the git repository is downloaded, the commit hash from the tag version is used.
  • path: specifies the path for a specific provider within the repository where the source template files are located.


The fields that need to be included in a Kubernetes Secret resource to utilize the AWS provider. To find out how to configure AWS provider and service account, follow the instructions here.

  • accesskey

Access key ID for your AWS account.

  • secretkey

Secret key for the Access key specified above.

  • templates
  • repository: specifies the location from where the external template are to be acquired. Must be a publicly available git repository.
  • tag: Optional. If set when the git repository is downloaded, the commit hash from the tag version is used.
  • path: specifies the path for a specific provider within the repository where the source template files are located.


The fields that need to be included in a Kubernetes Secret resource to utilize the Azure provider. To find out how to configure Azure provider and service account, follow the instructions here.

  • subscriptionid

Subscription ID of your subscription in Azure.

  • tenantid

Tenant ID of your tenancy in Azure.

  • clientid

Client ID of your client. The Claudie is design to use a service principal with appropriate permissions.

  • clientsecret

Client secret generated for your client.

  • templates
  • repository: specifies the location from where the external template are to be acquired. Must be a publicly available git repository.
  • tag: Optional. If set when the git repository is downloaded, the commit hash from the tag version is used.
  • path: specifies the path for a specific provider within the repository where the source template files are located.


Collection of static and dynamic nodepool specification, to be referenced in the kubernetes or loadBalancer clusters.

List of dynamically to-be-created nodepools of not yet existing machines, used for Kubernetes or loadbalancer clusters.

These are only blueprints, and will only be created per reference in kubernetes or loadBalancer clusters. E.g. if the nodepool isn't used, it won't even be created. Or if the same nodepool is used in two different clusters, it will be created twice. In OOP analogy, a dynamic nodepool would be a class that would get instantiated N >= 0 times depending on which clusters reference it.

List of static nodepools of already existing machines, not provisioned by Claudie, used for Kubernetes (see requirements) or loadbalancer clusters. These can be baremetal servers or VMs with IPs assigned. Claudie is able to join them into existing clusters, or provision clusters solely on the static nodepools. Typically we'll find these being used in on-premises scenarios, or hybrid-cloud clusters.


Dynamic nodepools are defined for cloud provider machines that Claudie is expected to provision.

  • name

Name of the nodepool. The name is limited by 14 characters. Each nodepool will have a random hash appended to the name, so the whole name will be of format <name>-<hash>.

Collection of provider data to be used while creating the nodepool.

  • count

Number of the nodes in the nodepool. Maximum value of 255. Mutually exclusive with autoscaler.

  • serverType

Type of the machines in the nodepool.

Currently, only AMD64 machines are supported.

  • machineSpec

Further describes the selected server type, if available by the cloud provider.

  • cpuCount: specifies the number of cpu to be used by the serverType
  • memory: specifies the memory in GB to be used by the serverType

  • image

OS image of the machine.

Currently, only Ubuntu 22.04 AMD64 images are supported.

  • storageDiskSize

The size of the storage disk on the nodes in the node pool is specified in GB. The OS disk is created automatically with a predefined size of 100GB for Kubernetes nodes and 50GB for LoadBalancer nodes.

This field is optional; however, if a compute node pool does not define it, the default value will be used for the creation of the storage disk. Control node pools and LoadBalancer node pools ignore this field.

The default value for this field is 50, with a minimum value also set to 50. This value is only applicable to compute nodes. If the disk size is set to 0, no storage disk will be created for any nodes in the particular node pool.

Autoscaler configuration for this nodepool. Mutually exclusive with count.

  • labels

Map of user defined labels, which will be applied on every node in the node pool. This field is optional.

To see the default labels Claudie applies on each node, refer to this section.

  • annotations

Map of user defined annotations, which will be applied on every node in the node pool. This field is optional.

You can use Kubernetes annotations to attach arbitrary non-identifying metadata. Clients such as tools and libraries can retrieve this metadata.

Array of user defined taints, which will be applied on every node in the node pool. This field is optional.

To see the default taints Claudie applies on each node, refer to this section.

Provider Spec

Provider spec is an additional specification built on top of the data from any of the provider instance. Here are provider configuration examples for each individual provider: aws, azure, gcp, cloudflare, hetzner and oci.

  • name

Name of the provider instance specified in providers

  • region

Region of the nodepool.

  • zone

Zone of the nodepool.

Autoscaler Configuration

Autoscaler configuration on per nodepool basis. Defines the number of nodes, autoscaler will scale up or down specific nodepool.

  • min

Minimum number of nodes in nodepool.

  • max

Maximum number of nodes in nodepool.


Static nodepools are defined for static machines which Claudie will not manage. Used for on premise nodes.

In case you want to use your static nodes in the Kubernetes cluster, make sure they meet the requirements.

  • name

Name of the static nodepool. The name is limited by 14 characters.

List of static nodes for a particular static nodepool.

  • labels

Map of user defined labels, which will be applied on every node in the node pool. This field is optional.

To see the default labels Claudie applies on each node, refer to this section.

  • annotations

Map of user defined annotations, which will be applied on every node in the node pool. This field is optional.

You can use Kubernetes annotations to attach arbitrary non-identifying metadata. Clients such as tools and libraries can retrieve this metadata.

Array of user defined taints, which will be applied on every node in the node pool. This field is optional.

To see the default taints Claudie applies on each node, refer to this section.

Static node

Static node defines single static node from a static nodepool.

  • endpoint

Endpoint under which Claudie will access this node.

  • username

Name of a user with root privileges, will be used to SSH into this node and install dependencies. This attribute is optional. In case it isn't specified a root username is used.

Secret from which private key will be taken used to SSH into the machine (as root or as a user specificed in the username attribute).

The field in the secret must be privatekey, i.e.

apiVersion: v1
type: Opaque
kind: Secret
  name: private-key-node-1
  namespace: claudie-secrets
  privatekey: <base64 encoded private key>


Defines Kubernetes clusters.

List of Kubernetes clusters Claudie will create.


Collection of data used to define a Kubernetes cluster.

  • name

Name of the Kubernetes cluster. The name is limited by 28 characters. Each cluster will have a random hash appended to the name, so the whole name will be of format <name>-<hash>.

  • version

Kubernetes version of the cluster.

Version should be defined in format vX.Y. In terms of supported versions of Kubernetes, Claudie follows kubeone releases and their supported versions. The current kubeone version used in Claudie is 1.8. To see the list of supported versions, please refer to kubeone documentation.

  • network

Network range for the VPN of the cluster. The value should be defined in format A.B.C.D/mask.

  • pools

List of nodepool names this cluster will use. Remember that nodepools defined in nodepools are only "blueprints". The actual nodepool will be created once referenced here.


Defines loadbalancer clusters.

List of roles loadbalancers use to forward the traffic. Single role can be used in multiple loadbalancer clusters.

List of loadbalancer clusters used in the Kubernetes clusters defined under clusters.


Role defines a concrete loadbalancer configuration. Single loadbalancer can have multiple roles.

  • name

Name of the role. Used as a reference in clusters.

  • protocol

Protocol of the rule. Allowed values are:

Value Description
tcp Role will use TCP protocol
udp Role will use UDP protocol
  • port

Port of the incoming traffic on the loadbalancer.

  • targetPort

Port where loadbalancer forwards the traffic.

  • targetPools Defines from which nodepools, nodes will be targeted by the Load Balancer


Collection of data used to define a loadbalancer cluster.

  • name

Name of the loadbalancer. The name is limited by 28 characters.

  • roles

List of roles the loadbalancer uses.

Specification of the loadbalancer's DNS record.

  • targetedK8s

Name of the Kubernetes cluster targetted by this loadbalancer.

  • pools

List of nodepool names this loadbalancer will use. Remember, that nodepools defined in nodepools are only "blueprints". The actual nodepool will be created once referenced here.


Collection of data Claudie uses to create a DNS record for the loadbalancer.

  • dnsZone

DNS zone inside which the records will be created. GCP/AWS/OCI/Azure/Cloudflare/Hetzner DNS zone is accepted.

The record created in this zone must be accessible to the public. Therefore, a public DNS zone is required.

  • provider

Name of provider to be used for creating an A record entry in defined DNS zone.

  • hostname

Custom hostname for your A record. If left empty, the hostname will be a random hash.

Default labels

By default, Claudie applies following labels on every node in the cluster, together with those defined by the user.

Key Value Name of the node pool. Cloud provider name. User defined provider name. Type of the node. Either control or compute. Region where the node resides. Zone of the region where node resides. Os family of the node. Architecture type of the CPU. Os type of the node.

Default taints

By default, Claudie applies only taint for control plane nodes, with effect NoSchedule, together with those defined by the user.