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First of all, it is worth to mention, that we are using MkDocs to generate HTML documents from markdown ones. To make our documentation prettier, we have used Material theme for MkDocs. Regarding the version of our docs we are using mike.

How to run

First of all you have to install the dependencies from requirements.txt in your local machine. However before doing that we recommend creating a virtual enviroment by running the command below.

python3 -m venv ./venv

After that you want to activate that newly create virtual environment by running:

source ./venv/bin/activate

Now, we can install the docs dependencies, which we mentioned before.

pip install -r requirements.txt

After successfull instalation, you can run command below, which generates HTML files for the docs and host in on your local server.

mkdocs serve

How to test changes

Whenever you make some changes in docs folder or in mkdocs.yml file, you can see if the changes were applied as you expected by running the command below, which starts the server with newly generated docs.

mkdocs serve

Using this cmd you will not see the docs versioning, because we are using mike tool for this.

In case you want to test the docs versioning, you will have to run:

mike serve

Keep in mind, that mike takes the docs versions from gh-pages branch. That means, you will not be able to see your changes, in case you didn't run the command below before.

mike deploy <version>

Be careful, because this command creates a new version of the docs in your local gh-pages branch.